Übermensch - Merging Pieces from Literature and DC Comics

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Ubermensch, as believed by Nietzsche, is an Earthly god who surpasses traditional concepts of morality and sets his own views of values.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is a 19th-century German Philosopher who gave the concept of transcendental values challenged the societal norms of the times and religion. Nietzsche, in his book Thus Spoke Zarathustra, gives a detailed account of Ubermensch.

It is more like the DC Comics superhero character "Super Man," who is an alien from a planet other than ours and comes to fight against injustice with his superpowers. Although Superman and Nietzsche's  Ubermensch possess the same characteristics, both are distinctively different from each other. Superman is an iconic superhero character, while the latter is more of a  philosophical character presented by Nietzsche. Just like Superman is an alien, an individual who rejects societal norms and worldly accepted religious beliefs becomes alienated from other beings.

The central idea of Ubermensch is the "death of God" and the birth of human god. The late 19th century was the period of scientific development and theories of evolution proposed by Darwin and Lamarck. This was the same era in which humans started questioning the existence of god when Nietzsche gave the concept of Übermensch. Any individual who believes in personal growth and self-actualization can be referred to as Übermensch.

Nietzsche portrayed the concept of his ideal superhuman not only in Thus Spoke Zarathustra but also in his other works, e.g., The Gay Science and Beyond Good and Evil. Other philosophers and writers such as Heinrich Muller and Goethe also articulated the idea of self-empowered individuals in their works.

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