Unveiling the Haunting Mystery of the Lucid Nightmares

Unveiling the Haunting Mystery of the Lucid Nightmares

Luciren Thoornis was constantly drowning in the deep sea, but suddenly, he realized that it is not the sea; however, it’s his own bed, where he was not actually drowned or wet, but being mummied by the people around him. Who were they? He couldn’t see them. Perhaps, they were kinda faceless. Were they Noppera-bō, skinwalkers, or darkmasters? With so much complexity in his head, his 150+ IQ mind was unable to make a clear call.

He was constantly getting his body wrapped – getting transformed into a mummy. But how was he able to see himself even when his face had already been mummied? “Is it the third person omniscient view that is displayed before his eyes?” And all of a sudden, a lightening thought struck him, and his mind alarmed that it’s not his death bed – however, a lucid nightmare it is which is constantly giving him chills as all of his senses are working in that situation too.

Unveiling the Haunting Mystery of the Lucid Nightmares

Perhaps, the time was too slow. He felt every single zeptosecond passing harshly and hardly, and saw them vanishing into thin air, like they never existed. He stayed still, knowing that it is the lucid nightmare, and he soon will die here and wake up somewhere in his own home. Just a few moments passed, and he started losing his breaths. He tried to stay calm and even throttle himself, but he realized this was no easy nightmare. He really felt the pain going all around due to lost breaths. The fingers and limbs started becoming fainted, he tried to yell, shout his family members’ name, but all in vain.

Is it really a nightmare or a bone chilling reality? Luciren broken breaths started becoming worse. His mind started blasting thoughts to escape from this situation like a super-computer generates billions of suggestions in trillions of pop-ups and it becomes more complex what to choose and what to do at that time – every friction of second seems like a decade. He tried to get up, but the hands were mummied, he fell with a thud, tried to hit his head with the ground, so his family members in the other room could hear something abnormal. But the reply was in complete despair, he could hear their giggles and mockeries all loud, but no one could hear his head constantly colliding with the ground.

Luciren Thoornis yelling

With nothing hitting the mark and realizing that the ground is rigid – on what he had fallen off from his warm and cozy bed. He decided to do blunt force suicide, and started hitting his head to the ground, which soon made him realized that he is losing it too. His breaths have become harsh, and the body has started fainting, and then he was out of breaths. Maybe, he has passed away now? So, how the hell looks like?

Ah, but that again, the hell didn’t accept him either. He opened his eyes in his bed, his head was still aching from the same spot where he hit the ground, he stayed still, because his body was still numb, he wasn’t able to breathe properly. He realized that it was not just a nightmare he used to have – but a lucid nightmare that has left its impacts even after it’s gone. It took his 108 heartbeats to completely sustain his breaths and move his limbs.

Unveiling the Haunting Mystery of the Lucid Nightmares

He got down from his bed, look at himself in the mirror, and asked, “How many versions of me are going to die before I, Luciren Thoornis – the one who signifies a beacon of light and wisdom, admired for his ability to enlighten and guide others through his radiant and insightful nature, will meet my demise? Would I be able to tell you how and what something is going to happen with you or the natures would override my wish?”

About the Writer

This is Noor Ul Tehseen. Having 06 Years of excellent Writing Experience in content writing: Storytelling, Blog posts, Website copywriting, social media posts, Advertising/sales copywriting, technical writing, User manuals/documentation, E-books & white papers, Ghostwriting, Case studies, and a lot more. 

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